Company Bio
Welcome to the home of Easy Target Entertainment! Just a small group of immature kids making games that one day might make us that $5.00 so we can one day go on that trip to the corner store to get candy and soda.
We create ground-breaking games (not because they’re innovative but because you will throw your device on the ground in frustration) in our state of the art facility: The coffee shop around the corner. Just take a look at our bleeding edge business plan:
Price: We believe in not charging for our games because we’re stupid idiots humble people who believe in giving back to the community because money is something we desperately need the root of all evil. But in order to pay the rent we have applied an ancient technique called ‘advertising’. How this trailblazing concept works is as you play one of our games you will be pleasantly surprised as an ad will randomly pop up just as you’re about to beat your high score. We call these constant interruptions amusing disconnections that will make the player say Wow, I was in the zone but now I know Country Triple Fried Chicken brought back the all you can eat Cardiac Attack.
Distribution: We have a unique supply chain which involves us saving our data to a 2MB zip disk. We then drive to Michigan to meet our head of distribution Steve. Steve runs our distribution at his facility located in his mom’s basement. It’s the only place in the U.S. that has a zip drive and a 14.4k dial up modem for uploads. How lucky are we to have found Steve!
Our Staff: Because we cannot afford human resources we have a team of 40 highly trained primates[Office1] . They have been taught to use C++, Apple script, and excel (somebody needs to do our taxes). That may come to you as a shock but don’t be worried. Those Planet of the Apes documentaries are based on events that won’t happen until the next 40 years.
Promotion: Just this website. Sometimes we stand on the street corner and yell obscenities wearing company t-shirts while throwing rocks and hitting people with signs. Sure it sounds like a regular Tuesday on a University campus but you’ve gotta pound the pavement till somebody hears you!